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Big Country – Jake Steel & Lucas Vitello @

By February 13, 2013Gay

30419_001Lucas Vitello has lips that should be molded into a jackoff sleeve. He and Jake Steel are fully dressed, making out as they peel away the layers of clothing that add layers ofanticipation to their tryst. Lucasí baggy shorts give no clue to the meat they conceal ó long, fat, curved and uncut. Jake savors it with his eyes, then his hands, then his mouth before revealing his own massive erection. Lucas drops to a squat, humping Jakeís leg while those lips clamp around his cock. Itís a wonder that Jakeís cock can be buried to the hilt in Lucasí throat, yet Lucas can still snake his tongue out to wrap around Jakeís balls. In themeantime, Jake silently asserts his intent by slipping a finger up Lucasí ass. Finger is followed by cock. Lucas wiggles his butt, causing his balls to swing like a pendulum; his legs are spread in a 180 degree angle. Then in a flash, the roles are reversed and Jake is taking itup the ass from behind, urging Lucas to give it to him harder, deeper and faster until their simmering juices erupt over them.


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